Local Area and things to do

Find more about the city of HangZhou

Things to know travelling to China
We understand the challenges you are facing when travelling to China, hopefully this will help you prepare your trip and make you feel less stressful.

Apply for the visa at least one month before your travel.

According to the Foreign Ministry, China will extend the visa-free policy for short-term visits for 12 countries - France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Malaysia, Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, and Luxembourg - until the end of 2025.

Citizens of these countries with ordinary passports can enjoy visa-free travel to China for purposes such as business, tourism, visiting family or friends, or transit for up to 15 days. please find more information via link below:

Policy Interpretation_National Immigration Administration (nia.gov.cn)

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Due to “The Great Firewall”, Google products (including Google app store), YouTube, Twitter, Vimeo, Facebook products, Instagram, etc. are blocked in China. Unless you have a VPN, these apps are not accessible in China. You can download a VPN on your device before travelling or explore a few Chinese apps instead.

Below are some of the popular apps that may help you plan your trip.

Flights, trains, accommodation--Trip.com
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Taxi service--DiDi Rider

Subway system--MetroMan
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Payment—Cash, Alipay, WeChat Pay
    Wechat Logo PNG Vector (AI) Free Download
As credit cards are not available in most places, it is highly recommended to carry cash or download one of above apps and register before you travel.

Map--Apple map, LingoMap
     App logo
Translator--Microsoft Translator

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